Every verse starts with the Hebrew letter qoph.
With all his “heart” (in complete sincerity and with undivided devotion), the psalmist cried out for YHWH to answer him in his time of need. He coupled his fervent plea with the promise to keep God’s statutes.
Crying out to be delivered from his perilous circumstances, the psalmist added that he would observe God’s testimonies or live up to his solemn charges.
Very early in the morning, the psalmist rose to cry out for aid. He had placed his hope or full trust in God’s words. Therefore, he confidently waited or looked for the fulfillment of God’s promise to come to the aid of his servants.
The ancient Hebrews had three night watches between sunset and sunrise, with each watch being about four hours long. Before the start of these watches, the psalmist would be awake. He would then meditate on God’s word, focusing his thoughts on God’s promise to his servants.
The palmist prayed that YHWH, in expression of his abiding love, compassionate care, or “mercy” (LXX) would hear his voice, responding favorably to his plea. He also asked to be “quickened,” either preserved alive or revived (refreshed or infused with new life), basing his request on God’s “judgment” or justice. Upon YHWH’s expressing his judgment against those who were seeking to do harm, the psalmist would have been enlivened, having had his life preserved and having been refreshed and strengthened.
With evil intent or, according to the Septuagint, acting with “lawlessness,” those persecuting the psalmist had drawn near. These persecutors were far off from God’s law, having no regard for it.
As far as the psalmist was concerned, YHWH was near. He never lost sight of his relationship with and accountability to his God. The psalmist recognized all of God’s commandments as “truth,” indicating that he appreciated them as providing trustworthy guidance.
Long ago he had come to know that YHWH’s testimonies or solemn charges were firmly established for all time to come. He had made these testimonies the subject of careful reflection. Recognizing that YHWH had firmly established them, the psalmist knew that these solemn charges were always applicable and that his faithful adherence to them would carry him through the then-existing danger.